Presidential System or Martial Law?

The Sudden Announcement of the March
Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam (JUI-F) chief Mr. Fazlur Rehman announced in early October that his party had decided to hold the anti-government ‘Azadi March’ to Islamabad on Oct 27.
“Caravans from all over the country will reach Islamabad, stay there and send this government packing,”
Talks about a march by JUI with major opposition parties had been underway for a few months. He decided to go solo after PMLN and PPP were unsure, indecisive and repeatedly requested for a delay.
The JUI-F chief said “we have prepared a comprehensive strategy and various plans”, in case the government launched a crackdown on the party to prevent it from holding the long march. “We have plan-1, plan-2 and plan-3 ready [to meet any eventuality],” he said, adding they had even prepared an “alternative strategy” if “I am or other party leaders are arrested”.
Who is Behind JUI’s March?
The confidence and adamancy shown by such a ‘smart and intelligent’ politician as Mr. Fazlur Rahman made everyone wonder who is backing him. He seems very sure of his success.
Everyone is saying
مولانا بہت زیرک سیاست دان ہیں
Who is behind his long march and expected sit-in?
The International Establishment?
Modi or RAW? No proof so far.
PML N and PPP?
BUT no one thinks its the Establishment. Why not?
Fazlur Rahman’s Dubious Past
We all know JUI’s head Mr. Fazlur Rahman’s dubious past. He has been a part of every government since 27 years or more. And he has been head of Kashmir committee for many years. He has been part of the establishment all along. He has never been against the establishment.
So is he playing a dubious role this time too? Is he playing along with the establishment again and leading the way to presidential system of government? It might be just so….
Islamic Perspective on this Long March
Knowing the long dubious past of Mr. Fazlur Rahman (writer refuses to call him a Maulana, literally meaning ‘our leader), he has to known to be part of every government since the last 25 years or more. He has also been head of Kashmir committee.
Secondly no major aims and objectives of the march have been given, except to ouster the PM. if the ‘innocent students of madrassas’ are under the false notion that he is aiming for an Islamic revolution, then they must be knowing that Islam lays down certain criteria for revolt against a Muslim ruler, and I think I am pretty sure those criteria are or will not be met:
We had opposed it then, we will oppose it now…
We should NOT be supporting Fazlur Rahman’s dubious intended long march and dharna.
Besides who had started this innovation of dharnas (political sit-ins)?
System is About to Collapse
System is About to Collapse
Dr. Shahid Masood has been repeatedly stating in his daily program since many months now that ‘the system is going to collapse, no doubt about that’.
Imran Khan is thinking of dissolving the assemblies:
He is talking in cryptic terms. System is going to collapse. Which system? The system that has failed to get Pakistan out of its problems.
Is he talking about democracy or the parliament? Is democratic system going to collapse or the parliamentary system going to collapse?
Does it mean that the establishment is letting Fazlur Rahman play havoc and chaos in the country so that Martial law can be enforced?
In that case Fazlu will play the role of a spoiler :
نہ کھیداں گے نہ کھیدا دیاں گے
Or is he paving the way for enforcement of presidential form of government?
Reasons for Need to a Change in the System
Calls for Change in System
There had been calls for a new system (and recently as well): ” So you think a Presidential system would be better”
The government has been unable to deliver
Economic Disaster :
To hide failures of the government
To bring in one party rule
This probably has been the long-term plan all along: to get vast unchallengeable powers….
Other Indications of Change of System
Government on the back foot
Repetitive Change of ministers, failing ministers
So many resignations, Shahbaz Gill, Babar Ata etc
Silencing the media
Many anchors turning against PTI
Insistence on CM Buzdar
PM not in knowledge of many things
PM saying that he didn’t get a good team:
Why Presidential System?
No legislation
Almost no legislation is being passed by the National assembly mainly due to the lack of 2/3 majority.
Thus ordinance after ordinance (e.g. recently the PMC 2019 Ordinance) is being passed by the President as the constitution allows him.
But such ordinances have to be ratified by the national assembly and senate otherwise they become redundant after some months.
So if everything is to be done by the president, why not bring in presidential system of government?
Conversation in Islamabad High Court yesterday:

Indications of Something ‘Very Fishy’
No lack of funds
Keeping many things quiet
Unable to find source, strength behind JUI
Where are funds coming from? No proof of foreign funding so far.
No clear plan, No specific agenda for March and afterwards
Fazlur Rahman in touch with establishment:
March given the go Ahead, a deal struck.
Opening of PTI’s foreign Funding Case
Fazlur Rahman’s meeting with American Diplomats
A dangerous place given for JUI sit-in:
No obstruction to the March to Islamabad
Climax favorable in chaotic condition for both?
Another opinion:

What is Expected to Happen?
The major question everyone is asking is that what will be the end of this march or possible sit-in? Will Fazlur Rahman simply leave after a few days after registering his protest, because Imran Khan is not going to resign? Why will he?
Fazlur Rahman says he has plan A, plan B and plan C. What does he mean by that?
In case of an impasse or God forbid if things get out of control as expected by many analysts, then Army may have to step in.
“In legal terms, the constitution forbids a presidential system. The constitution will have to be amended by a two-thirds majority, a critical mass that doesn’t exist, to get legal sanction for a change in governance system. The only other alternative is martial law, which doesn’t require troubling legal imperatives to claim legitimacy”
According to experts, Army has no intention of imposing Martial Law anywhere in the near future.
In case Army steps in temporarily or requests IK to step down and an interim government is formed; then there may be new elections shortly after with PTI getting 2/3 majority , thus allowing a change in the constitution to change to presidential system of government.
There maybe even a referendum for the President.
Remember Imran Khan had indicated mid-term elections some months back. All the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle starting to fit now 🙂
Who will be the President in the New System?
One may well guess by now, who will be the President of the new Presidential System. I pray this part of the conspiracy theory is wrong!
They’re marching to my success, not failure: PM ;
And it may end up with a win-win situation for all concerned with Mr. Fazlur Rahman being a mere pawn for change in the system…
Will the Presidential System Succeed?
No system will succeed until and unless the orders laid down by Almighty Allah are followed. This has been indicated several times in the Holy Quran and Ahadith.
This includes economic and all other policies should be brought in accordance with the teachings of the Holy Quran and Sunnah.
Alternate Plans…
Or minus one formula. PM may be asked to resign? :

Or formation of a national government:
Are we again waiting for a finger to be raised?
Whatever happens, we pray that peace ultimately prevails with no/minimal loss of property and life. Ameen.
And Allah knows best!