Introduction to the Deep State
Reality of PTI’s Anti – Establishment Narrative
The Necessity of Patriotic Army Leadership in Pakistan’s Politics!
Reason for Imran Khan’s Luxury in Jail
The Bigger Picture: Connecting the Dots
Imran Khan’s Links with Jewish Lobby & Vice Versa
IK’s Hero – Worship Continues
Introduction to The Deep State

More detaills on the deep state here:
There is very likely a strong link between the deep state and the international establishment
The Deep State consists of permanent members from the military, politicians, judiciary, media, bureaucracy, buisnessmen and others.
Some of them keep on jumping ship, from one loyality to another
The Deep state consists of members who are loyal to the state and some who are loyal to the Zionists.
PTI’s Anti – Establishment Narrative?
Anti – establishment or enmity against specific generals?
PTI’s stance is NOT anti – establishment and never was.
They had no problems with all the generals who brought the party in power and the COAS in their tenure:
Until the generals turned against PTI due to it’s disastrous economic policies which brought the country close to default
And even now:
PTI would have no problem with the establishment if General Faiz or any other general brings it back to power, as was planned in the military coup attempt on May 9
It’s the same stance PTI has with politicians, judges, journalists etc
It is okay if any politician joins PTI from any party or if any judge rules in favour of PTI, but once they leave PTI or rule against PTI they become foes?
This stance taken :
“You are either with us or against us’ is absolutely ridiculous and the major cause of polarisation within the society”
And the ultimate statement :
“Pakistan is if IK is’ (عمران خان ہے تو پاکستان ہے), Astaghfirullah; their patriotism starts and ends with this preposterous shirkful narrative”

The Necessity of Patriotic Army Leadership in Pakistan’s Politics!
As long as evil elements of the deep state within the judiciary, bureacuracy & establishment etc plan against Pakistan’s interests, patriotic army leadership will be required as a necessity to thwart their plans
The Bigger Picture: Connecting the Dots
Review the following blogs to connect the dots:
PTI: A heavily foreign funded party:

Reason for Imran Khan’s Luxury in Jail
Now, one can easily understand the reason for Imran Khan’s luxurious life in jail, despite his strictest anti – state stance
And despite his conviction for cumulative 30 plus years in three separate cases by the junior courts
Despite his strong anti – establishment stance since his ouster, including the horrendous planned 9 May attacks, taken as Pakistan’s 9/11
It is all due the fact that:
It is because he has become a permanent member of the deep state. Hence the overhelming exhuberant confidence
Anyone else besides a deep state member committing all such crimes would have been sent to the gallows!
IK’s Links with Jewish Lobby & Vice Versa
American Israeli Lobbyists are PTI / IK’s go to guys:
IK’s Hero – Worship Continues
Review the following blogs:

This is despite him being now twice convicted by judiciary for adultery (Tyrian case and the marriage during Iddat case)

“The Hour will not be established till about thirty Dajjals (liars) appear, and each one of them will claim that he is Allah’s Messenger” (Sahih Bukhari, 7121, Book 92, Hadith 68)

At the end, when all hope is lost, the deep state may get IK murdered as they predicted many years ago! (to cause super havoc riots & civil unrest/civil war God forbid in the country)

Review the following blogs:
Choose a leader that does NOT engage in all out fighting with the state, at all times, except if or when in power

Allah’s Apostle said, “There will be afflictions (in the near future) during which a sitting person will be better than a standing one, and the standing one will be better than a walking one, and the walking one will be better than a running one, and whoever will expose himself to these afflictions, they will destroy him. So whoever can find a place of protection or refuge from them, should take shelter in it.”
Especially not to engage in any political debates or discussions

Support Pakistan’s security establishment including Pakistan’s army (despite it’s numerous faults), for now it seems in good hands, and for the coming expected & prophesized Ghazwa – e – Hind
It doesn’t matter which government is in power unless it is loyal to the state, supports the national security establishment including the Pakistan army and works for the betterment of Pakistan and its masses
However, Pakistan’s security establishment is facing severe resistance from evil elements of the deep state, from among military, judiciary, media, politicians (especially from PTI and being fuelled by their social media workers) etc
We have to stop this propaganda, for Pakistan is, then we are!