We said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, how long will he (dajjal) stay on earth?’ He said: ‘Forty days, one day like a year, one day like a month, one day like a week, and the rest of his days like your days.

(Saying of the Holy Prophet: Sunan Ibn Majah, 4075)

Learning Objectives

In this blog:

  1. The references in the Holy Quran and Hadith
  2. Many Countries Dumping the US Dollar
  3. BRICS: Russia & China at the Forefront
  4. Objectives & Consequences
  5. The Great Reset
  6. Special Objective of Russia
  7. The Way Forward for Pakistan

References from the Holy Quran and Hadith

Details on this verse of the Holy Quran predicting the collapse of an Empire and the related saying of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) are mentioned in the following blogs:

And the following blog:

History & Eventual Collapse of the US Dollar


The US dollar is losing its reserve currency status. Here’s what you should know:

The US dollar has been the backbone of the global economy for decades. Several countries even use the US Dollar as an official currency, like El Salvador, Panama, and Ecuador

In 1944, the Bretton Woods Agreement established the US Dollar as the world’s reserve currency. 44 countries agreed to a global monetary system that would be underpinned by the US Dollar, which in turn was backed by gold. That system was done away with in 1971.

Why US banks are failing?

US banks were provided with interest free money by the US Govt / FED for years to prop up the stock markets and to buy Govt bonds. The undocumented rule is that those banks which buy more Govt bonds get preferential treatment to access free money.

The US banking system has become a tool for the US Govt to create the illusion of a strong economy by pumping the markets with Govt printed money and using banks to raise more debt. That only works for a limited time because the more money is printed the higher inflation rises.

When inflation got out of control the US Govt / FED had to stop the interest free flow of printed money to US banks and increase interest rates. Banks which got used to making big profits by manipulating the market with free Govt money started to struggle without the regular fix.

The US Govt bonds that US banks bought, including with depositor funds, to qualify for more free printed money are now toxic assets with the increase in interest rates and the demand for US treasuries drying up globally. That’s what created the current crisis for US banks.

In short, US Govt driven market and debt manipulation are to blame. President Biden said today that investors / shareholders of failed US banks will not be compensated because it’s their fault for making bad investments. In reality they are victims of the US Govt Ponzi scheme.


In short, US Govt driven market and debt manipulation are to blame. President Biden said today that investors / shareholders of failed US banks will not be compensated because it’s their fault for making bad investments. In reality they are victims of the US Govt Ponzi scheme.

Just a matter of when. Although with bailouts happening every other year it would seem that it should be soon. Although people have just proven their stubborness in believing what they are told through the pandemic.

More on the Federal Reserve Bank (FED) and Paper Money:

Many Countries Dumping the US Dollar

BRICS: Russia & China Leading from the Front

Historically, the US dollar has been a safe haven for international investors. In times of crisis, money often flows into the US dollar as investors seek refuge from trouble in other economies. But 2014 was a huge turning point:

Russia and China looked to shift the paradigm They no longer wanted to rely on the US dollar for international trade and investment This trend is called “De-Dollarization”

De-Dollarization is happening everywhere. Central Banks bought gold at a faster pace last year than they have in any year since 1987. This signals a desire for countries to back their own currencies with gold rather than the US Dollar

Today, trade is shifting away from the purview of the United States Dollar. Take a look at how the volume of Chinese-Russian trade denominated in Yuan has spiked since the start of 2022:

Other markets are shifting to the Yuan as China becomes a more influential superpower

China and France complete first Yuan-settled LNG trade, signaling the end of using the US Dollar for these energy trades.

But this fight is far from over for the Dollar. The Dollar still dominates foreign exchange reserves, but that lead is slowing being chipped away

Saudi Arabia and Pakistan Also Planning on Joining the Given List:

BREAKING: China and Brazil have reached a deal to trade in their own currencies, ditching the US dollar as an intermediary,4

China is Brazil’s biggest trading partner, with a record $150.5 billion in bilateral trade last year. Notably, as well, Saudi Arabia joined a China-led security bloc and trade alliance with Russia, India, Pakistan and others, per CNBC. Read more:


China and Brazil have reached a deal to trade in their own currencies, ditching the US dollar as an…

China and Brazil have reached a deal to trade in their own currencies, ditching the US dollar

Objectives & Consequences of the Collapse

Predicted by Dr. Israr Ahmad Marhoom many years ago:


Stated Many years ago by the Sheikh:

The US Dollar will collapse when it most suits the state of Israel:



American Government Will Try to Resist the Collapse as Much as Possible:

And it may culminate in the prophesied great war or Armageddon or Malhama tul Kubra

Special Objective of Russia:

Russia, especially Orthodox Christians of Russia or People of Rum as mentioned in the Holy Quran and Ahadith,

They are also awaiting the arrival of Jesus, Hazrat Isa (AS) just like the Muslims

And they have many political objectives in common

They will form an End Time Alliance with Muslims as mentioned in detail in the following blog:

Consequences of the Collapse:

The Great Reset

More on the great reset in our next blog, in sha Allah

The Way Forward for Pakistan

Sheikh Imran Husain’s Litmus Test for Success:

Avoid the western block (USA, Europe, NATO), join Russia / China Block, Avoid the IMF, deal in local currency or sunnah money as highlighted below:

This person cannot be Imran Khan for he has done / still doing the exact opposite!

1. Join the Russia/China Block (politically and economically)

2. Avoid the IMF

Pakistan Ready to Survive without the IMF:?


3. Join BRICS & Expand CPEC

Important Role of CPEC (China Pakistan Economic Corridor)


Strategic Importance of CPEC:

CPEC The Great Game Changer!

Strategic Importance of Pakistan Army Chief’s Visit to China

4. Deal in Local Currency or Countries of Other Friendly Countries

5. Deal in Dirham, Dinar and other forms of Sunnah transactions

6. Need of National Unity & National Government

Preferably consisting of technocrats and / or other experts relatively free from corruption

High yield need of the time when society is severely divided and polarised

This should be the way forward for all Muslim countries!

Our (hamara),not old or new, Pakistan!


Importance of The Region in the End Times:

This may culminate in the Malhama tul Kubra or Ghazwa Hind, most likely the latter occurring first

More on Ghazwa Hind in a future blog, in sha Allah

And Allah Almighty knows best!

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