“And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed – then it is those who are the disbelievers.” (Holy Quran 5: 44)

“Repeatedly running an economy on Riba-based banking and transactions, and other un-Islamic economic measures with no / little application of Islamic principles of Economics and expecting better results”
Failure to Implement Islamic Economic Principles
Evident Failing Economy
Similar thoughts in many WhatsApp groups, Facebook, twitter etc. Everyone is spreading pessimism? Or difference between being optimistic versus being realistic? Not only the elite are being effected. Hundreds or thousands of common people/laborers in many industries are losing their jobs. And there seems no end to the vicious cycle.
Confidence in the economy is at an all time low among the public:
As many analysts and editors of newspapers are asking “When will the poor man start benefiting from tremendous savings due to extreme austerity drives, savings due to much less corruption than before and other great economical measures being taken by the government?”.

Where is the change in economics? Where is Riasat e Madina economically? Is this not bordering on hypocrisy? If one is supporting Riba – based banking / transactions/ economy then :
فَاۡذَنُوۡا بِحَرۡبٍ مِّنَ اللّٰہِ وَ رَسُوۡلِہٖ ۚ
“Then be ready of a war [against you] from Allah and His Messenger.” (Holy Quran 2: 279)

It is the faith of a true Muslim that economy of a nation can never succeed if it based on non-Islamic principles of economics, especially based on Riba-based banking transactions

PTI has lost probably half or more of its vote bank due to the abysmal, direction-less performance so far. Only hard core PTI supporters remain who are still in the honeymoon period, still being impressed by the handsomeness of the PM and seem to remain oblivious as their leader about the numerous calamities going on.
Unfortunately many PTI supporters are still being affected by the “charm, handsomeness, charisma, huge gatherings etc” of their political idol. These things do not impress the common man. What really matters is what has been done for the poor man? What positive steps in relation to principles of Islamic economics have been taken to benefit the poor man in the long run? None. Seriously. None.
No matter how hard one tries to convince them, how many solid proofs one gives them; no matter what experts, analysts say, they remain extremely stubborn, even defying teachings of the Holy Quran and Ahadith.
صم بکم عم…..
CPEC Shelved

CPEC of which even PTI was proud of at the start has now been shelved. China has initiated a CPEC-like project with Iran now. One’s loss is another’s gain. PTI has sold the country very cheaply to the Zionist IMF. Now many national institutions /assets are being privatised under demand of IMF. One can easily visualise/ forsee further economic decline and even a castrotrophic economic disaster.
Even economic advisor and former Minister of Finance Asad Umar is today stating the obvious (seems this was the reason why he was removed from primary post of ministry).

Who is responsible for sacking Asad Umar and bringing in IMF’s men into top economic positions?
A promise IK had made to the nation pre-elections that he would commit suicide rather than go to IMF; but he bowed down to people with even higher authority in his own party. Fact is the truth is very bitter. If you continuously turn away if teachings of Islam and expect better results, that is sheer insanity.
If US, UK, NATO (Christians and Jews), their leaders, media etc are happy with you, satisfied with you and your actions (political, economical etc), then this is nothing to be happy or proud of.
And if Muslims/Muslims leaders are trying to appease/please them, then again there is something extremely wrong.
This is something to reflect upon and probably worry for the political leaders and the public at large.
Such Christians and Jews are ONLY true allies of one another.
Such a true principle mentioned in the the Holy Quran 1400 has miraculously proven true until this day and will continue to.
Fact is the truth is very bitter. If you continuously turn away if teachings of Islam and expect better results, that is sheer insanity.
Bowing Down to the IMF
I would have preferred the old Imran Khan, who had stated that he would commit suicide, rather than go to IMF. But deep inside my intuition was he was never going to fulfill that promise.
There were many alternatives besides going to the IMF as detailed by many economic experts above; there is no benefit in denying this and continuing to live in fool’s paradise.

If one wishes to do so, then enjoy at the expense of the poor for the rich ultimately benefit from Riba based economy.
IMF now in total control. It is virtually IMFistan now.

IMF only gave 1/6 of the loan and already saying (not demanding) that there will be another increase in electricity prices soon after.
Why give the loan in installments? This is to keep us under the leash, under their enslavement. By the time installments will be complete, there will a much greater depreciation of the rupee, which will increase national debt multi-fold (based on compound interest) and contuing inflation ad infinitum…
PTI spoke personal / officials have been saying for the last several months on live talk shows that rupee will not devaluate further.
Fact is that economy has been handed over to Zionist-controlled IMF.

This is exactly what IK was warning when he was in the opposition. But this time he has totally bowed down before IMF. This fact has been highlighted by several economic experts.
So you are right, he does have another agenda, opposite to what he had on the container.
But again summun bukmun umyun….
So ultimately the net result of IMF loan will be zero or in the negative due to all this and we will become even more dependent and enslaved to the Zionist controlled IMF.

And in the mean time all political parties are monkeying around, diverting attention of their foolish blind followers to the enormity of the economic disaster coming our way….
Shift in Forein Economic Policy
The total utter confusion and summersaults in foreign policy from IMF/USA to China/Russia have become quite evident. One cannot simply ride on two boats at the same time.
At the moment PTI’s government is more inclined (economically) towards USA/IMF/Saudi Axis and is now offering alternate CPEC projects to China. Hence the shelving of present CPEC agreements which were supposed to be a game-changer for the country.

Corruption of PTI leaders
PTI supporters keep on dodging above questions/objections/reservations including those of corruption of their own leaders:
Mr Ansar Abbasi explains from reports that Pakistan may have become more corrupt than before:
And soon after Mr. Rauf’s Klasra’s program exposing scandals of PTI ministers was banned. Read following article:

More Economic Blunders

Spreading Pessimissm?
PTI Supporters say that everyone is spreading pessimism. There is a huge difference between being optimistic versus being realistic. Not a matter of luxury items itself. Hundreds or thousands of common people/laborers in many industries are losing their jobs.
And there seems no end to the vicious cycle. As many analysts and editors of newspapers are asking “When will the poor man start benefiting from tremendous savings due to extreme austerity drives, savings due to much less corruption than before and other great economical measures being taken by the government?”.
Pakistan’s top businessmen state that business confidence is at an historic low:
This is what surveys are showing:

Pakistan Needs Leaders that can take on International Bankers
Anyone that can get Pakistan out of the gigantic debt trap of enormous proportions. For that we need a brave leader like that of Ecuador who can take on the IMF and the gang of international bankers.
Or leaders like Qazzafi or Saddam Hussain (however otherwise bad they were) who tried to change the existing monetary system.
We would be overjoyed, euphoric if that person was Imran Khan, but now that seems highly unlikely.
And the Worse is Yet to Come!
Further inrease in electricity prices
Further increase in gas prices
More mini-budgets expected
With even more inflation
More devaluation of the rupee expected
More direct and indirect taxes on the public etc etc
And the vicious cycle will continue
It is part of a true Muslim’s faith (as indicated in the verse of the Holy Quran above) that if we do not run our economy according to Islamic principles, our economy will never ever succeed, in reality it will get worse and worse….