“Indeed, those who love to see indecency spread among the believers will suffer a painful punishment in this life and the Hereafter. Allah knows and you do not know“
(Holy Quran 24 : 19)
Imran Khan’s Statement
Secular Liberals’ Wrong Stance
Causes of Rape / The Making of a Rapist
Role of Media
Deterrents and Solutions
Punishment of Rape in Islam
Dr. Zakir Naik’s Full Analysis on the Issue
Imran Khan’s Statement
It was a correct statement as mentioned here by
Mr. Raja Zia ul Haq, President Youth Club, Islamabad
He repeated the same statement in an interview to foreign agency recently
Importance of Hijab or Niqab also highlighted here:

(Sahih Bukhari)
Secular Liberals Wrong Stance
Secular Liberals are wrong to criticize him on this statement which although half – true is correct as explained by Raja Zia ul Haq
But the statement itself is coming from a leader of a secular party with many secular liberal minded ministers

And many secular liberal followers as we saw in the days of the dharna, many in the feminist movements, عورت مارچ and other instances…

Why IK’s Statement Was Incomplete?
There are other causes of rape besides women’s clothing as explained ahead
This is not the first time he has done this.
He should leave these matters to the Islamic scholars or Ulema Kiraam

He gives these controversial statements frequently so that the public argue over one another with many supporting him and many opposing his views. Extremely clever!

To only blame the victim was wrong. What about the victims who are fully or decently dressed and get raped?
What about the boys who get regularly molested as recent as in the case of a Mufti recently?
Causes of Rape / Making of a Rapist
Most (90 %) of the Time women’s clothing is NOT responsible for rape

(Sahih Bukhari)
Role of Media in Promoting Rape
What about the daily vulgar programs on national and cable television?
What about the vulgarity on social media, Twitter, FB, instagram, tiktok etc
What about the pornography on the internet?
And the feminist movements, عورت مارچ etc?
Why can’t all these be blocked by the government?
Islamic Punishment for Rapists
The punishment for rapists in Islam Number 1:

The Punishment of Rapists in Islam Number 2:

If the Islamic punishment for rape mentioned in the Holy Quran and Ahadith is carried out in public and shown on national TV, then the crime would be very much minimised
Has any proven criminal been handed out such a punishment during this tenure in this manner?

DNA evidence may also be accepted in rape cases:
Dr. Zakir Naik’s Full Analysis on the Issue
Much of this has been mentioned in detail by Dr. Zakir Naik here:
Youth Club’s Full 1.5 Hour Video here :