New Zealand: Kiwis Setting an Example for the World!

“They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it.” (Holy Quran 61 : 8)

*50 Muslims got attacked & killed by an Australian born terrorist while praying at a mosque* ‪How did New Zealand, a tiny island of only 4 million people respond? ‬

It is said that when Mongols were decimating the Muslim world during medieval times, one Mongol prince was so impressed by the beauty of Islamic civilization that he became a Muslim & history was changed forever…
NZ witnessing this phenomenon now after the Christchurch Terror Attack

If any nation wants to learn how to treat a minority in times of need, please use New Zealand & it’s Prime Minister as a case study. ‬

‪Entire population mourned genuinely. ‪

Called it a terrorist attack when the attacker was white.‬ ‪

The Prime Minister Jacinda wore a hijab and personally visited the Muslim community on a daily basis to provide love, support & updates all while wearing a hijab. She hugged Muslims and genuinely cried with them.

Image result for new zealanders mourns

It took a Non-Muslim leader to remind Muslim rulers around the world that they are one nation, one Ummah!

Quoting the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, she said: “The believers in their mutual kindness, compassion, and sympathy are just like one body. When any part of the body suffers, the whole body feels pain.””New Zealand mourns with you; we are one,” she said.

Image result for prime minister jacinda ardern MOURNS

New Zealand’s PM became the voice of millions of Muslims around the world. She burst into tears during the Friday Sermon. It expressed her genuine emotions!

She addressed parliament using the Muslim greeting, ‘”As-salamu alaykum.” As-salamu alaykum, peace be upon you, and peace be upon all of us.

“You will never hear me mention his name,” Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern told the New Zealand Parliament Tuesday.”He is a terrorist, he is a criminal, he is an extremist, but he will, when I speak, be nameless, and to others I implore you: Speak the names of those who were lost rather than the name of the man who took them. He may have sought notoriety but we in New Zealand will give him nothing — not even his name.”

She and her fellow New Zealanders brought smiles back to the Muslims who had suffered a great loss. “People were quite surprised. I saw people’s faces when she was wearing the hijab — there were smiles on their faces,” said Ahmed Khan, a survivor of the attack who lost his uncle at the Al Noor mosque.

She surely set an example, even for Muslim rulers around the world.

This at a time when many liberal Muslims make fun of the Hijab and scarf.

More than NZ $10.8 million ($7.4 million US Dollars) in public donations to families had been received as of Sunday morning, according to the fund-raising websites

All funeral costs undertaken by the Government of New Zealand.

Mosques reopened in a week (with armed police on site) with help of the government!

Huge number of people gathered all over the country to lay flowers outside mosques and show their support within hours.

Image result for new zealand mourns

Kiwis (New Zealanders) including the New Zealand police & even gang members of the country are patrolling outside mosques while Muslims pray.

“Those who are not Muslim and are not praying have surrounded the worshippers, silent and staunch in their love and protection for the bereaved community.”

The Azaan was played publicly on National TV , Radio and every Mosque around New Zealand at today’s Friday prayers.

Just one week after, the Muslim population was joined by tens of thousands of other New Zealanders who stood behind the rows of worshipers. They listened as the call to prayer rang out across Hagley Park, opposite Al Noor Mosque, and across the country on national television and radio broadcasts.

Then the country fell silent for two minutes to remember the tragedy that occurred here, shaking New Zealand’s belief that it was an isolated utopia at the bottom of the world.

Government fast tracked visas to 24 hours to allow families of affected to enter New Zealand.

Kiwis opened their homes to provide free shelter, food and support to any Muslim.

A doctor in Auckland, Thaya Ashman, came up with the idea to encourage people to wear a headscarf after hearing about a woman who was too scared to go out as she felt her headscarf would make her a target for terrorism.”I wanted to say: ‘We are with you, we want you to feel at home on your own streets, we love, support and respect you’,” Ashman said.

Non Muslim Kiwi women wore the hijab to make Hijabi women feel safer.
Using the hashtags #headscarfforharmony and #ScarvesInSolidarity on Twitter, women shared photographs of themselves wearing the scarves.

Female police, Nurse, Students, News anchors etc in New Zealand joined women across the country in wearing headscarves as a show of solidarity on Friday for the victims of last week’s mosques shooting.


“I wanted to say: ‘We are with you, we want you to feel at home on your own streets, we love, support and respect you’,”

Cop, Wearing Scarf, Keeps Guard As New Zealand Shows Support For Muslims

The New Zealand media made sure they covered the Muslim voice in depth and detail, with full interviews with the families of those affected, front page headlines for days and still continuing.


The New Zealand Parliament invited an imam to start a Parliament session with recitation from the Holy Quran (First time in History).

Flags flew at half mast.

The Kiwi people filled up parks and beaches with art work , flowers , candles to show they stand with the Muslim community shoulder to shoulder.

Non-Muslim Kiwis are actively staying around Muslims to make sure they feel welcome and at home. They are sitting, talking & eating with them. If this happened in another country, it’s likely the news wouldn’t have even made it to the second page of the News Paper.

A cartoon by Canberra Times artist Pat Campbell representing the 50 lives lost in the Christchurch terror attack depicted in the New Zealand “silver fern”. The cartoon by Campbell, an award-winning artist, shows Muslims in the different stages of prayer :

Image result for Christian's post-New Zealand attack gesture for Muslim worshippers in Manchester goes viral

The front page of The Press, Christchurch and the South Island’s premier daily newspaper and news website, had ‘Salam’ written in Arabic with its English transliteration and translation written below :


So much so that many Kiwis are reverting to Islam after the Christchurch tragedy:

The Kiwis set an example for many Non-Muslims around the world with people protecting Muslims during prayers, sending flowers and messages of peace to their fellow Muslim citizens etc

People stand in a protective ring around the Stockholm mosque during Friday prayers, on Friday March 22, 2019, to honour the 50 Muslim worshippers killed one week ago by a gunman in Christchurch, New Zealand. (AA Photo)
Stockholm, Sweden
Manchester, England

In government, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern helped create an united front soon after the shooting occurred. “They have chosen to make New Zealand their home, and it is their home,” she said in a press conference following the attack, referring to the migrants and refugees who were targeted. She later emphasized: “They are us.” The lawmaker has gained praise for how she’s effectively and compassionately handled the crisis.

Burj al Khalifa, UAE

New Zealand today fell silent in honour of the mosque attacks’ martyrs. The government’s wise management of the ordeal and Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s sincere empathy and support has won the respect of 1.5 billion Muslims after the terrorist attack that shook the Muslim community around the world. 

The same New Zealand that had refused to give in to Israel a few years ago and then this happened after Netanyahu’s threat: Netanyahu ‘told New Zealand backing UN vote would be declaration of war’.

Israeli PM reportedly warned that support for motion on settlements would ‘rupture relations’ between two countries. (The Guardian 26/12/16)

New Zealand will hold a national remembrance service for victims of the Christchurch massacre next Friday on March 29.
“The national remembrance service provides an opportunity for Cantabrians (Christchurch-area residents), New Zealanders and people all around the world to come together as one to honour the victims of the terrorist attack,” Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said.

“Thank you for your leadership, it has been a lesson for the world’s leaders, thank you for holding our families close and honouring us with a simple scarf. Thank you for your words and tears of compassion. Thank you for being one with us.”

New Zealanders have shown such love and compassion for their fellow Muslims this week. We are moved beyond words. The last week’s services, the hakas, the PM’s stirring words – just beautiful. An example for all. These extremely touching gestures were witnessed around the world with awe.

Thank you , New Zealand, you have made a special place in the hearts of 1.8 billion people.. forever.

What Muslim rulers can learn from her :

Examples Set for Muslims (including Muslim Rulers) around the world:

Message of unity

Message of hijaab and scarf being integral part of Islamic culture

Message of love and peace

Message of how to deal with a national tragedy : mourn together with the victims and denounce the perpetrators in the strongest words irrespective of race, religion etc

Message of lending emotional, moral and financial support to the victims.

Message of how to deal with minorities and so many other messages!

#NewZealand #JacindaArden #Kiwis

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