From students’ feedback, I understand most of you do not fully comprehend the implications of the following formula displayed on the college notice boards concerning calculation of marks for the professional examinations:
Professional = (40% of first CBA + 60% of part-I of Final assessment) + (40% of second CBA + 60% of part-II of final assessment)
It is basically because we doctors are very poor in mathematics. Two additional points mentioned are:

Pass marks in EACH OF THE FOUR components are 50%.
It is mandatory to pass in both parts of Professional separately

Some examples have been given in the following blog: (Note: All marks are given in percentages)

Mr. A
a. CBA 1 Theory 60% (40%=24) OSPE 60% (40%=24)

This means if a student gets 60% marks in theory as well as OSPEs in CBA1, he will get an ‘internal assessment’ of 24/40 in both theory and OSPEs for Prof Part 1 (because 40% of 60% is 24).

b. CBA 2 Theory 60 (40%=24) OSPE 60 (40%=24)

This means if a student gets 60% marks in theory as well as OSPEs in CBA2, he will again get an ‘internal assessment’ of 24/40 for the Prof Part 2 (because 40% of 60% is 24).

c. Prof Paper (Part) 1 Theory 60 (60%=36) OSPE 60 (60%=36)

This means if a student gets 60% marks in theory as well as OSPEs in Prof Part 1, he will get in actual 36/60 in both theory and OSPEs for the Prof Part 1

d. Prof Paper (Part) 2 Theory 60 (60%=36) OSPE 60 (60%=36)

This means if a student gets 60% marks in theory as well as OSPEs in Prof Part 2, he will get in actual 36/60 in both theory and OSPEs for the Prof Part 2

Total Calculation:
Final Part 1: Theory CBA1 + Theory Prof Paper-1
Final Part 1 Theory 24 + 36 =60/100 (Pass)
OSPE 24+36=60/100 (Pass)

Final Part 2 Theory CBA2 + Theory Prof Paper-2
Final Part 2 Theory 24 + 36 =60/100 (Pass)
OSPE 24+36=60/100 (Pass)
Result = PASS
Because all conditions have been fulfilled:
• Pass marks in EACH OF THE FOUR components are more than 50%
• Passed in Paper 1 and Paper 2 Separately

Similarly look at these examples the same way:
Mr. B
a. CBA 1 Theory 40 (40%=16) OSPE 60 (40%=24)
b. CBA 2 Theory 80 (40%=32) OSPE 80 (40%=32)
c. Final Part 1 Theory 55 (60%=33) OSPE 80 (60%=48)
d. Final Part 2 Theory 80 (60%=48) OSPE 80 (60%=48)

Professional Part 1 Theory CBA1 + Theory Prof Paper-1
Professional Part 1 Theory 16 + 33 =49 (Fail) OSPE 24+48=72 (Pass)

Professional Part 2 Theory CBA2 + Theory Prof Paper-2 OSPE CBA2 + OSPE Prof-2
Professional Part 2 Theory 42+32=76 (Pass) OSPE 28+48=80 (Pass)
Result = FAIL To be reassessed in WHOLE of Part 1 (including all modules of Part-1 and both theory as well as OSPEs) in supplementary

Mr. C
a. CBA 1 Theory 60 (40%=24) OSPE 60 (40%=24)
b. CBA 2 Theory 60 (40%=24) OSPE 60 (40%=24)
c. Final Part 1 Theory 60 (60%=36) OSPE 40 (60%=24)
d. Final Part 2 Theory 60 (60%=36) OSPE 60 (60%=36)

Professional Part 1 Theory CBA1 + Theory Prof Paper-1
OSPE CBA1 + OSPE Prof -1
Professional Part 1 Theory 24 + 36 = 60 (Pass) OSPE 24+24=48 (Fail)

Professional Part 2 Theory CBA2 + Theory Prof Paper-2
Professional Part 2 Theory 24 + 36 =60 (Pass) OSPE 24 + 36=60 (Pass)

Result = FAIL To be reassessed in WHOLE of Part 1 (including all modules of Part-1 and both theory as well as OSPEs) in supplementary

Mr. D
a. CBA 1 Theory 60 (40%=24) OSPE 60 (40%=24)
b. CBA 2 Theory 40 (40%=16) OSPE 40 (40%=16)
c. Final Part 1 Theory 70 (60%=42) OSPE 80 (60%=48)
d. Final Part 2 Theory 50 (60%=30) OSPE 60 (60%=36)
Professional Part 1 Theory 24 + 42 =66 (Pass) OSPE 24 + 48 =72 (Pass)
Professional Part 2 Theory 16 + 30 =46 (Fail) OSPE 16 + 36 =52 (Pass)
Result = FAIL To be reassessed in WHOLE of Part 2 (including all modules of Part-2 and both theory as well as OSPEs) in supplementary

Mr. E
a. CBA 1 Theory 60 (40%=24) OSPE 40 (40%=16)
b. CBA 2 Theory 40 (40%=16) OSPE 70 (40%=28)
c. Final Part 1 Theory 70 (60%=42) OSPE 50 (60%=30)
d. Final Part 2 Theory 50 (60%=30) OSPE 70 (60%=42)

Professional Part 1 Theory 24 + 42 =66 (Pass) OSPE 16 + 30= 46 (Fail)

Professional Part 2 Theory 16 + 30 =46 (Fail) OSPE 28 + 42= 70 (Pass)

Result = FAIL To be reassessed in WHOLE of Part 1 and Part 2 (including all modules of Part-1 and Part 2 and both theory as well as OSPEs) in supplementary

Mr. F (The Absent Student)
a. CBA 1 Theory 0 (40%=0) OSPE 80 (40%=32)
b. CBA 2 Theory 80 (40%=32) OSPE 0 (40%=0)
c. Final Part 1 Theory 80 (60%=48) OSPE 80 (60%=48)
d. Final Part 2 Theory 80 (60%=48) OSPE 80 (60%=48)
Professional Part 1 Theory 0 + 48 = 48 (Fail) OSPE 32 + 48= 80 (Pass)

Professional Part 2 Theory 32 + 48 =80 (Pass) OSPE 0 + 48 = 48 (Fail)

Result = FAIL To be reassessed in WHOLE of Part 1 and Part 2 (including all modules of Part-1 and Part 2 and both theory as well as OSPEs) in supplementary

This means a student who is absent in CBA-1 or CBA-2 in either theory or in OSPE, will get ZERO for the internal assessment of that CBA & will only be able to pass if he gets more than 80% (More than a Distinction-to be more exact about 83%) in the professional exams. This means getting 166/200. So this risk should never be taken under the present rules, considering that this SAME Internal assessment (ZERO) will be maintained for the supplementary examination), meaning that a whole year may be wasted.

The above examples also show that EACH CBA has its own importance. Bad/Poor performance in one CBA will NOT be compensated by a better performance in the 2nd CBA. Only a better performance in the professional exam paper of that CBA will be able to compensate for a bad performance in a CBA. This also means the worse a performance in a CBA, the more the compensation needed in the professional exams.

Note for attendance: 75% attendance is not required for appearing in a CBA. However 75% aggregate attendance is required for appearing in the end of year professional exam. This means if one has 60% attendance in CBA-1, then he/she needs 90% attendance for CBA-2

I hope this clarifies everything, so don’t take these CBAs lightly. If you still have any queries you can contact me for further details. It’s almost like taking 3 professionals in a year or at the least 1 prof and 2 mini-profs in a year.
Life surely has become tougher at IIMC…..

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